Every month, the staff of The Director magazine uncovers, analyzes and reports the stories that shape your world to help you keep your finger on the pulse of the funeral service profession. No other funeral service publication consistently offers you in-depth features on the trends affecting your business, expert analysis of legislative and regulatory developments, and thought-provoking opinions by industry leaders.
Insightful, accurate and stimulating, The Director is not simply the nation's premier funeral service publication; It is truly news you can use.
As a benefit of membership, NFDA members receive a complimentary subscription to The Director; members also receive access to the digital edition of The Director at no additional cost.
Read Southern Calls' profile of Ed Defort, publisher of The Director
The Memorial Business Journal is a weekly electronic publication by the National Funeral Directors Association. The mission of this publication is to provide objective, comprehensive news and analysis to all providers and suppliers of goods and services to the death care profession. NFDA members automatically receive a copy of the Memorial Business Journal every week. Learn more.

The NFDA Bulletin is a free, weekly email publication focuses on the latest funeral service news, business topics and beneficial NFDA news and events. It's an incredible blend that will have you looking forward to each issue. The NFDA Bulletin is an important tool for your business - and it's an exclusive benefit just for NFDA members. Learn more.
The Director.edu
The premier quarterly publication for funeral service students
Welcome to the source for news and information designed to prepare you, the funeral service student, for your transition from schooling and internship to becoming a valued contributor to the field of funeral service.
Delivered directly to your inbox, this quarterly newsletter gives you the lead on topics and ideas (plus practical material outside of the textbooks!) from a variety of meaningful sources that will help you work toward a meaningful career in funeral service. Learn more.