Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step to hosting an NFDA Arranger Training course program in your area. Click below to complete a Host Interest Form.
Host Student Program Host Masterclass
Tools to Help Market Your Program
We’ve created the Host Success Toolkit to help you fill seats at your program. Use the resources to help make the program as successful as possible
Revenue Share Available!
We understand that hosting an 8-hour Arrangement Skills Masterclass means committing to a marketing partnership. So, we offer a revenue sharing opportunity to Arrangement Skills Masterclass hosts. In the spirit of collaborating for the success of this event, hosts can receive reimbursement to offset the organization’s cost of promoting the seminar as follows:
For each paid registrant up to 30, $50 each; for each additional registrant after 30, $100 each. Example for 40 registrants: $1,500 (first 30 x $50 + $1,000 (10 additional x $100) = total reimbursement of $2,500 to host.
Please note: There is no reimbursement for registered apprentices/interns, students, or hosting faculty. These reimbursements are issued by NFDA quarterly.
Want More Information?
Should you have questions regarding the program or the information that was provided to you, please contact Jackie Ellis at or 262.814.1568.